Life Within is excited to offer Group Therapy services to the community. Group therapy is a dynamic approach to the stresses and struggles of mental health that allows you to interact with other people going through similar experiences as you. Life Within provides the space, a trained clinician, and refreshments; all you have to do is show up. Here are some important things for you to know about groups as you consider signing up:
The start date and time of the group are subject to change depending on availability of the group members.
Once a group is considered filled, anyone who has registered will automatically be placed on the list for the next time we run the group.
Typically groups will last 7-9 weeks but could be longer if the clinician believes it would be beneficial.
Each group session will last between 45 and 90 minutes.
If you have been a client of Life Within before, all that is needed is to fill out the linked form below.
Insurance coverage for Group Therapy will depend of individual benefit eligibility and a qualifying diagnosis that supports the use of group therapy as an appropriate treatment.
Cash rates for sessions are $40 per person per group session. Multi-Family Group Therapy cash rates is $65 per family per group session.
New Clients! If you are new to Life Within, please register for the group you’d like to attend, and then you complete an Intake Packet. Following both those steps, you will be scheduled for a brief intake assessment as a part of the screening process for the group. The purpose of the intake is to collect important background information, determine appropriate fit for the group, and individual eligibility for potential insurance benefits. Completing an Intake and attending group at Life Within should not interfere with any current individual therapy you are currently receiving.
Trauma Group
Hosted by Forrest Smith, LPC
Group therapy is incredibly beneficial in the treatment of trauma. Groups provide a safe, nurturing, accepting environment in which difficult feelings and experiences can be processed. This group is focused on adults 18 and older.
Parent Support Group
Hosted by Thomas Ritchie, LPC-S
Parenting children with mental health issues is extremely difficult. Multi-Family Counseling Groups provide a safe place to process difficulties and learn valuable skills to improve your child’s outcomes in therapy.