Please read the entirety of this message:


The team at Life Within Counseling Group will adopt the following protocol in response to the current public health concerns of the Coronavirus:

If you or someone you live with exhibits any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath

please postpone your appointment until all symptoms in the home are gone for at least 48 hours.

For the time being, our waiting room will be unavailable. Please message your counselor or call the office, 501-232-2600, when you arrive. The front door will be opened when it is time for your session.

We will increase the amount of cleaning and sanitizing we do in our office, we ask that you do so as well. Please sanitize or wash your hands immediately after arriving at our office.

Tele-health visits are possible with some of our counselors, please call or message your counselor to see if this is an option for you. Availability will also depend on your insurance coverage. We will do our best to verify whether your insurance provider covers Tele-health but it is best that you also check for yourself.

If you have recently traveled to any areas that have higher concentration of the Coronavirus, please take extra precautions to wash your hands, postpone your appointment, or consider tele-health if it’s available.

If you have any questions please call, 501-232-2600 or email our Practice Manager,

We hope to resume normal services as soon as it is safe to do so. Thank you for your cooperation and patience!